histoire de la marque
who is the YEBAO?
Yebao Cues , Marque chinoise de queues de billard haut de gamme - créée en Chine en 1995, le fondateur de la marque est Mou Xien. Yebao Cues s'engage à innover, à créer et à améliorer constamment la beauté et la performance des queues. Il a été reconnu et utilisé par de nombreux champions du monde. Rendez plus facile pour tous les fans de billard de profiter du plaisir du billard.
The birth of the brand
About the "YEBAO" brand, it started with romance, When the founder "Xi'en Mou" was still a young man who devoted himself to research,Billiards is his hobby in his spare time, So I got acquainted with the female boss who was running the billiard club at that time,The female boss with all kinds of tenderness came to Mr. Mou's heart, Launch the offensive without hesitation, pursue the one you love on a regular basis every day, hard work pays off, and lovers will eventually get married.
Love will make people continue to be positive, constantly improve yourself, Mr. Mou combined his research on wood craftsmanship and began to make billiard cue to help his lover's billiard business. During this process, Mr. Mou found that the cue cue used by most domestic billiard fans and professional players are imported brands, there are Thai, American and British brands, but there are no Chinese brands. The patriotic Mr. Mou came up with a bold idea, "Can I establish a brand of billiard cues exclusively for China, so that Chinese people can use our Chinese brand of billiard cues".
The "YEBAO" brand was born. YEBAO means "wild leopard": "Wild" means unconstrained, without boundaries, and daring to do something; "Leopard" symbolizes strength, strength and individuality, and "YEBAO" not only represents the core spirit of the product, It also represents the spirit of the company's team.
In the early days of the birth of "YEBAO", The founder "Xi'en Mou" suffered repeated failures in the process of developing billiard cue, but he became more and more courageous as he fought, and began to shuttle in various domestic professional billiard arenas, Exchange and learn with professional players, whenever a new billiard cues is developed, it will be brought to professional players for experience and advice. During the long study and research process, I got to know master-level professional players like "Shi Xin" and "Zheng Yubo", who gave great affirmation and help to Mr. Mou's pursuit and dream. After several years of hard work and painstaking research, the shape, taper and internal structure of the club have been repeatedly adjusted. YEBAO finally makes a professional billiard cues that pros love. In addition, Mr. Mou, who has the spirit of a craftsman, invented the first billiard cues manufacturing technique in China that organically combines machinery and handwork. The digital play feeling makes the play feel of the billiard cues closer to the perfect shape. Accompanied by "Zheng Yubo", "Shi Hanqing", "Wang Yun", "Yu Longhai", "Shen Chongyang" and other players who used Yebao billiard cues, they raised the world championship and national championship trophies time and time again. Yebao cues has become a brand of Chinese billiard cues in one fell swoop. In the future, Yebao will also uphold the professionalism of being pragmatic, persistent, and meticulous, and devote itself to research and development, production, and innovation, and constantly improve the sense of use and aesthetics of the cue. Let all Billiards enthusiast at home and abroad can enjoy the fun of billiards more easily.
Brand Concept
Yebao cues is committed to providing high-quality billiard cue, We firmly believe that we can become the manufacturer of professional cue sticks that stand out in China's Chinese billiards field, so that more players can use Yebao brand cue sticks, We strive to contribute to the healthy development of billiards in China and become a popular cue brand in the billiards industry.
Brand Objectives
Provide more convenient "magic weapons" for billiards players, so that they can shine better and witness the glorious moments in their careers;Dedicated to billiards lovers who love billiards and release stress. Provide innovative and functional products to all those who love billiards.
Chronicle of Events
- 乔氏大师赛(2021)指定球杆
- 决金中式九球球王争霸赛野豹战队 郑宇伯 石汉青 获得亚军
- 康溪盛世中式台球精英赛指定球杆
- 乔氏大师赛(2020)指定球杆
- 康溪盛世中式台球精英赛指定球杆
- 乔氏大师赛(2019)指定球杆
- 康溪盛世中式台球精英赛指定球杆
- 签约球员郑宇伯使用野豹准神天下获得2019CBSA“亚琦集团”杯中式台球世锦赛冠军
- 冠名 2019“星牌.奥斯本兹.野豹”杯中式台球超级对抗赛
- 赞助 中式台球郑宇伯挑战赛
- 乔氏大师赛(2018)指定球杆
- 康溪盛世野豹 奥斯本兹杯中式台球超级对抗赛指定球杆
- 签约球员郑宇伯使用野豹准神天下获得“秦皇岛银行·乔氏杯”第六届中式八球国际大师赛全球总决赛 冠军
- 签约球员郑宇伯使用野豹郑宇伯获得2018CBSA“亚琦集团”杯中式台球世锦赛冠军
- 冠名 陕西 “鑫皇冠·野豹·野牛”杯中式台球公开赛
- 冠名 河北廊坊“野豹杯”中式台球精英赛
- 冠名“康溪盛世·奥斯本兹·野豹杯”中式台球超级对抗赛
- 冠名 沧州“阿帕尼·野豹杯”暨“杨晓明挑战赛”中式台球争霸赛
- 冠名 上海风云乔氏台球“野豹·奥斯本兹”杯中式台球总决赛
- 冠名 中国·四平“野豹·波茨杆杯”2018中式台球大学生联赛年终总决赛
- 冠名 古韵·野豹 杯中式台球让球赛
- 冠名 河北肃宁 “野豹杯”中式精英赛
- 冠名 河北文安“野豹杯”中式台球公开赛
- 乔氏大师赛(2017)指定球杆
- 野豹球杆成为2016年中式台球世界锦标赛指定球杆
- 野豹签约球员石汗青使用野豹G4球杆获得中式台球世界锦标赛冠军
- 野豹品牌签约申重阳
- 野豹董事长牟锡恩先生为签约球员郑宇伯在北京举行九江大师赛冠军庆功会,迎郑宇伯王者归来
- 野豹签约球员张广豪获得CBSA密云站冠军
- 赞助2016CBSA“盛大信德”中式台球中国精英赛
- 冠名 浙江省台州市淑江区“非凡地·野豹杯”中式8球公开赛
- 冠名 Mit·野豹·中世 杯全国中式台球大奖赛
- 冠名 老歌酒吧·野豹杯 中式台球让局公开赛
- 冠名 奥赛瑞博·野豹杯 中式台球争霸赛
- 冠名 野豹球杆沧州积分排名赛
- 首届中式台球世锦赛 希金斯和墨菲 使用野豹球杆参赛
- 乔氏大师赛(2015)指定球杆
- 签约全国冠军刘勇
- 签约全国冠军禹龙海
- 签约全国冠军张广豪
- 野豹球杆参加广州国际台球及配套设施博览会
- 冠名 “中世·野豹”杯中世台球桌鉴赏大奖赛
- 冠名 浙江台州名流“互义台球·野豹杯”乔氏中式八球公开赛
- 冠名 天津第三届野豹杯中式台球万元大奖赛
- 冠名 野豹杯璟点会员争霸赛
- 冠名 “奥赛睿博·野豹杯”中式八球公开赛
- 冠名 太原野豹·璟点杯
- 冠名 2015-2016“峻奥天天·野豹杯”中式台球跨年大奖赛
- 签约世界冠军郑宇伯
- 签约世界冠军石汉青
- 赞助2014CBSA中式台球排名赛
- 赞助2014CBSA中式台球中国公开赛
- 乔氏大师赛(2014)指定球杆
- 野豹球杆成为2014中式台球世界锦标赛指定球杆
- 野豹球杆签约球员郑宇伯获得首届中式台球中国公开赛冠军
- 野豹球杆使用者刘勇获得首届中式台球中国公开赛亚军
- 野豹球杆成为中国中式台球锦标赛指定球杆
- 野豹球杆使用者刘勇获得CBSA中式台球排名赛冠军
- 冠名 野豹·璟点北京中式台球排名赛
- 野豹魔法系列magic1-magic9上市
- 野豹神兵系列球杆上市
- 乔氏大师赛指定球杆赞助商
- 赞助2012“星牌杯”全国中式台球排名赛
